Realtor Select

Realtor Select is a program created by a real estate agent for other real estate professionals looking to increase their online outreach by implementing a Client Relationship Management (CRM) system and improving automated systems. The main goal of the website is to provide more information about the program to real estate agents who might be interested in joining it.

Project Type
WordPress, Elementor
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The Challenge

The challenge was to create a straightforward but engaging design that would catch the attention of busy real estate professionals who want to get an overview of the program and what it offers. I made use of the "card layout" showing the main offer points of the program but used the progressive disclosure technique to not overwhelm the viewer with information. Each of the cards has a "learn more" link which opens a pop-up window with more detailed information of the feature. The client also wanted to showcase informal video testimonials from real estate agents who are currently part of Realtor Select. Since the videos were informal and created using computer screen recording, the image quality wasn't the highest. I suggested using the agents' professional headshots as thumbnails for the video testimonials to maintain the image quality and professional aesthetic of the website.